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We are currently accepting new patients for both NHS and private eye examinations, please do call in for a warm welcome and have a chat with one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff to see how we can help you with your eyecare needs either now or when your next [...]
Following the team visit to the SILMO exhibition in Paris at the end of September, we have a number of new frames arriving from the European designers in Spain, France, Switzerland, Belgium and The Netherlands. Brands include Malt, Woody’s Barcelona, Bloomdale, Edwardsons, Fleo all hand picked by our staff. Please [...]
We are now stocking frames from Lamarca, Albert I’m Stein and Portrait Eyewear, all great quality, very stylish and many styles look great with Sunglass tinted lenses. [...]
Business As Usual. The latest guidance we have is that Wyre View Opticians can continue to provide eyecare, sight tests, repairs and sale of new glasses as normal. We will also be providing the CUES service for urgent and esential eyecare conditions, which may not even need to come in [...]
The Lancashire and South Cumbria Eye Health Network has launched an innovative new service called COVID Urgent Eyecare Services (CUES) to support urgent eye care needs. People in the area who need urgent eye care should contact Wyre View Opticians or NHS 111 without delay. The sooner treatment can be [...]
We are open for Essential and Emergency Eyecare. For essential eyecare, please note that we are able to see you if you’ve noticed any change in your sight or you’re concerned about your eyes. Emergency eyecare could be an urgent problem with your sight, or you have lost/broken your glasses [...]
EYECARE DURING COVID-19 Updated 3rd June 2020 CURRENT GUIDANCE The optical bodies and NHS are responsible for when and how we offer your eyecare during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are advised to offer only emergency eyecare and essential eyecare meaning that all routine appointments are currently suspended. Although non-essential shops [...]
Wyre View Opticians are now available for emergency eyecare needs such as broken or lost spectacles, or replacement contact lenses. This service is by appointment only, and only for those who are not showing any symptoms or has been in contact with anyone having the virus as per the NHS [...]
Book an appointment at Wyre View Opticians & apply our 5* service to your eye care.